Pets Tips

Important Things You Should Know Before Buying a Rabbit Hutch

Deciding to get a pet is one of the most exciting things in life, but with it comes responsibility so you have to prepare and plan properly before bringing any animal into your home. If you’ve decided on a rabbit (or rabbits) as a pet, you have to ensure proper housing for your new pet. Many of the cages sold in pet shops are far too small to comfortably keep a rabbit in. A cage isn’t very stimulating for rabbits, being naturally inquisitive and playful animals a hutch is a much better option for keeping rabbits.

One of the first things you should consider is size; do you have enough space in your home or garden to accommodate a decent-sized hutch? A good general rule to follow is that the minimum size for a hutch should be at least 4 times the size of your bunny, bigger if possible, in fact, the bigger the better.

You should choose a hutch that offers different compartments: a sleeping area, a food area, and a play area. If you have more than one rabbit, then make sure you have as many sleeping areas as you do rabbits because rabbits prefer to nest individually. Make sure you choose one of the larger-sized rabbit hutches otherwise your bunnies will fight if kept in cramped quarters.

If you opt for an outdoor hutch make sure it’s well-built and sturdy otherwise your rabbit will perform a Houdini on you and escape, or worse yet, a predator may be able to get at your bunny. Wooden rabbit hutches are generally the most suited for outdoor use.

Inspect the wire meshing and workmanship of the hutch to check for exposed pieces of wire or splinters or anything that may harm your rabbit. Some outdoor rabbit hutches even come with a rabbit run to allow your bunny some outdoor access. Access to sunlight is crucial for rabbits as they can’t process vitamin D without it. Provide your rabbit with toys and things to chew on to prevent boredom. Your rabbit’s sleeping area should contain straw, hay, or any safe bedding for your bunny to snuggle up in and keep warm.

Some rabbit hutches have storage facilities that allow you to keep all your rabbit food, medication, and toys within an easy-to-reach distance. The more luxurious rabbit hutches even provide multi-levels to enrich your bunny’s experience and love of exploration.

Think of your rabbit hutch as an investment, if you buy a cheap one, your rabbit won’t be as happy as it can be nor as safe. Safety is another vital issue to consider when choosing a rabbit cage or hutch. Rabbits have many natural enemies and can be harmed or worse if a proper and secure haven isn’t provided for them.

If the weather conditions in your area are extreme, you can buy a rabbit hutch cover to provide extra insulation and protection for your rabbit.

Source by Tom Woodcock

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