Pets Tips

Why True, American Patriots RESIST Tyrants

A true student of America, recognizes, every citizen must expend his utmost dedication, and efforts, to resisting tyranny, regardless of how it might be disguised! What differentiates the United States, from much of the rest of the world? Perhaps, the single biggest, difference, is, this nation was founded on certain specific principles, especially regarding, freedoms, liberties, and justice!

This means, liberty and justice, for all, rather than any selective, or self-serving, choosing of specific ones, while overlooking, others, which might not serve some specific, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self-interest! We have often observed, individuals, pretending to be patriots, while being, the equivalent of, a wolf, in lamb’s clothing!

Therefore, a true, American patriot, prioritizes the need to, consistently, RESIST tyrants, even, if, it serves their personal, self-interest. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it’s so, very important.

1. Rights; rituals; religion; rights: America was founded, on its, Bill of Rights, which outlines our devotion to, protecting the rights of all Americans. This includes religious rights, which means, permitting individuals the freedom to believe, as they desire, as well as abstaining from any religious participation, if that’s their personal preference. The ability to observe one’s rituals should be, protected, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, etc!

2. Empathy; emphasis; entire: How can anyone believe, he will enjoy all of the rights, he’s entitled, to, if/ unless, he proceeds, with the utmost degree of personal empathy, and protects, the rights of others, to proceed, likewise? When our emphasis is on protecting the rights of all, our entire citizenship, benefits, and America, become stronger, and more inclusive!

3. Sustainable; system; solutions: We must avoid accepting the simplistic, populist approaches, which might be popular, to some, but fail to emphasize, our need, to plan, with sustainable systems, which seek relevant, essential solutions, rather than political popularity, etc!

4. Ideals; integrity; imagination; ideas: Our political leaders must possess the level of genuine, absolute integrity, which focuses on American ideals, and principles! This must lead, to a quality imagination, which produces ideas, which will make a lasting difference, for the better!

5. Strengths; stronger: We must begin, by focusing our emphasis on the inherent strengths, of this nation, while demanding, we do, everything possible, to make us stronger, and better!

6. Timely; trends: Our leaders must recognize, and use the trends, which will best serve our country! Demand, plans are relevant, sustainable, and timely!

Wake up, America, and RESIST tyrants, and tyranny, in any form, always! We must do, all we can, to make this nation, the best, it might be!

Source by Richard Brody

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