
The 4 Keys to Fix Dog Separation Anxiety

As a dog owner, you probably enjoy spending time with your beloved pooch. Make sure you temper your desire to be with your pet by giving them time to themselves. Failure to teach your dog to be on its own may cause fits of panic every time you leave them alone. Seeing your pet in this state is quite agonizing. Luckily, you can fix dog separation anxiety.

Some people think that the damage caused by the dog during its anxiety attacks is meant to punish you. Your dog doesn’t have a vendetta. The real cause for the dog’s behavior should be pinned on their severe stress and panic.

There are many symptoms of separation anxiety in canines. Look for the following symptoms while you are home. If your dog won’t leave your side, it may be a ‘velcro’ dog and may be overly attached to you. This is called hyper attachment. Also, check for changes in your dog’s body language when you are getting ready to leave.

Here are some tips to solve your dog’s separation anxiety.

  1. Try ignoring your dog once you get home. Make them think that coming and going are normal non-events. You should practice arrivals and departures so often, that your dog doesn’t associate you putting on shoes or grabbing keys with leaving.
  2. Leaving an object that carries your scent near the dog may help once you have left. Dog-appeasing pheromones can also be used. It is a scent that mothers produce when they are nursing puppies. It can be found online and in pet stores.
  3. Exercise your dog and get them tuckered out before you leave. A tired dog is a good dog.
  4. Have patience and discipline! You will see results over time. Focus on positive progress.

Source by Jennifer Middleton

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